Saturday, April 5, 2014

Rules and Procedures

In the classroom I am student teaching in, my cooperating teacher utilizes a lot of whole brain learning. For the rules, I stuck with the 5 rules in whole brain teaching. The students can recite the rules and even have hand motions to go along with them. The procedures are also very important to implement in the early days in the classroom to get exposure and practice. Some procedures I would teach is morning procedure - putting away back packs, folders, and getting started on bell work. Other procedures would be how to line up, come to the carpet, getting materials, centers, lunch procedures, recess, PE, music, independent work, assessment, dismissal etc. I think giving students expectations to follow and modeling is very important. If you spend the first week going over the rules and procedures, I think it will greatly reduce the amount of time you have to go over the things later on in the year. I would also start implementing the whole brain teaching on the first day. For example, when I say mirrors on, the students hold up their hands and mirror what I say.

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